Podcasts Support the Neurodiverse


by Rhys Waters


I want to share a silver lining to podcasting that doesn't get enough credit.


As someone who loves to consume stories, it may surprise you to know I haven't finished a book in 10 years.

I have lots of them, most of them with bookmarks typically at page 54. My vast unread library represents my desire to enjoy the story or topic, but how it's hampered by my dyslexia.

As you can imagine it was the cause of much frustration, a constant dent to my self esteem. 12 year old Rhys's brain just could not finish Hamlet, no matter how many times I read the same weird line.

It's why filmmaking and podcasting is a big part of how I learn and communicate. It suits the way my brain is wired and these digital mediums are my first language.

The explosion of amazing, intelligent and educational podcasts is transformative to me. I don't feel left behind on the subjects I love. I can access hours of dense lessons or light hearted discussion at any time. The dents to my self esteem are one by one getting pinged out.

If you are wired the same or have kids that may be, then embrace this medium. Listen often and listen together.

If your looking to make your message more accessible, we’d love to hear from you.

Podcast InsightRhys Waters